"The drunken men were cursing loudly in the street"
I imprecate curses upon it and I am heartily sick of it. 哦,出名的辛酸的悲伤啊!声名卓著时遭人唾骂,声名狼藉时受人轻蔑和怜悯。”
To imprecate Hitler's atrocities is not enough; we must insure against any future practice of genocide. 诅咒希特勒的暴行是不够的;我们还必须确保将来不再发生种族灭绝的行径。
We hope earneestly to succeed,imprecate to succeed,but we need to know how far success leaves to us.Do we prepare for our success. 我们渴望成功,我们祈求成功,但是我们需要知道成功离我们还有多远,我们在为我们的成功时刻准备着吗.......
Imprecate v. To curse; pray that evil will befall 诅咒;祈求降祸于
To imprecate Hitler’s atrocities is not enough; 诅咒希特勒的暴行是不够的;