The vegetarians incept the proteid from foods which like meat but no the meat. 素食者摄取的蛋白质并非来自肉类,而是来自类似肉类的食物。
Incept MIS sever , Pantoschool software, KPI software and finish testing , plan to use it in September in 2006. 接收了重庆市教委派发的MIS系统服务器和鹏达校园网软件、KPI软件,安装调试完毕,计划2006年秋季正式在校园内投入使用。
While waveform criterion is presented based on the duration time of inceptive travelling wave. 而根据初始行波波头持续时间的长短可以构成波形判据。
If it is set to promiscuous mode, network interface controller (NIC) can incept all data packet to monitor. 只要把网络接口控制器(nic)设置为混杂模式,网卡就能接收到每一个数据包,实现监听。
Vegetarian incept protein mainly come from food which similar to meat but not real meat. 素食者摄取的蛋白质并非来自肉类,而是来自类似肉类的食物。
The upper and lower vorticity bands approach each other and extend downstream, while the inceptive position of the lower one moves downstream. 上下涡带逐渐靠拢,并向后延伸、拉直,同时下涡带的起始位置向后推移。