The death of the speleologist is due to the infall of the cave. 这位洞穴学家之死是由于地洞的塌陷。
The infall of the pirates caused the villagers to live a miserable life. 海盗的入侵导致了村民的悲惨生活。
Collapsing interstellar cloud reverses its gravitational infall and expands outward into the relatively quiescent interstellar environment. 坍缩的星际云克服向内的引力而向外膨胀到较宁静的星际环境中去。
Clouds such as complexes A and C thus provide the first direct evidence for the infall of fresh gas. 类似复合体A和C这样的云气,提供了新鲜气体坠落的第一个证据。
In reversed A2/O process an anaerobic tank is put before anoxic tank and design dividual point infall in aerobic tank after anoxic tank. 在充分分析传统A2/O工艺的基础上,提出了将缺氧池置于厌氧池前面,厌氧池后设置好氧池的分点进水倒置A2/O工艺。
The region of Hongjiadu water and electricity sation infall pertains to the texture of rigid rock clockwise slope, and the problem of side slope stability is marked. 摘要洪家渡水电站进水口地段属硬质岩顺向坡地质结构,边坡稳定问题突出。