The common vaginitis is causes by the infusorium or the mold. 常见的阴道炎是由滴虫或霉菌引起的。
Do I have the infusorium vaginitis and the cervical erosion two degrees, which hospital Ningbo can cure? 我有滴虫性阴道炎和宫颈糜烂二度,宁波哪家医院能治好?
The first were by de Saussure, in 1679.Having put an infusorium in a drop of water, he saw it divide under his eye. 第一个涉足这方面试验的人是Saussure,他在1679年时做过一个试验,将纤毛虫放入一滴水中,用肉眼就能观察到它的分裂过程。
Because causes vaginitis's pathogen to have many kinds, what is most common is the rosary fungus, the bacterium, the infusorium and so on. 因为引起阴道炎的病原体有多种,最常见的是念珠菌、细菌、滴虫等。
Screening infusorium, mold, bacterium's infection, if contracts the spread disease, should better be treats thoroughly first, is pregnant again. 筛查滴虫、霉菌、细菌的感染,如果患有性传播疾病,最好是先彻底治疗,然后再怀孕。
Conclusion The CB technology is simple and fast, may simultaneously make inspections and so on bacteria, infusorium, mold, cell, the dyeing is clear, multipurpose. 结论CB技术简单、快速,可同时做细菌、滴虫、霉菌、细胞等检查,染色清晰,一片多用。