His kindness and magnanimity is innateness!! 他天生既仁慈又宽宏大量。
He is not a innateness to be a teacher. 他天生不是当教师的材料.
Kidney is the foundation of the innateness. “肾为先天之本”,在人体的生理病理中占有重要地位。
He has no innateness in teaching. 他天生不是当教师的材料.
Its innateness, unique qualities and invariability make the identification identities in the ticket systems possible. 其先天性、唯一性和不变性等特点,使其在门票系统中准确鉴定身份成为可能。
We can’t try to figure this out only from the Jewish innateness of inborn genius. 在人类历史上恐怕再也难以找到一种人群间的仇恨能在广度和深度上超越反犹主义。