God Himself, however, is absolutely unknowable, unnamable, and innominate. 神自己,却是绝对不可知,不可名,无名。
I, not born here, was loving this mongrel city, an innominate root generated from my heart, enlaced me every day. 我,一个异乡人,爱着这混血的城市,我的心中长出了无名的根,每天都在缠绕。
Intraoperative hemorrhage form innominate artery is very rare and often fatal complications during tracheostomy. 摘要气管切开术中发生无名动脉大出血是相当罕见的并发症,而且往往有致命性的危险。
Methods An innominate questionnaire was carried on to 432 undergraduates in Nanhua university. 方法采用自行编制的调查问卷对衡阳市南华大学的432名在校大学生进行无记名问卷调查。
Moreover, the typical real right and the innominate real right should be paid attention to equally in the legislation. 为了维护民法体系的稳定性和开放性,应在公示基础上采用物权自由的立场,在立法技术上则要兼顾有名物权和无名物权。
Do 86-year-old old people , innominate bone and thigh link place fracture energy operation? 您的位置:凡人谷知道>医疗健康>86岁老人,胯骨和大腿连接处骨折能手术么?