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美['ɪntəgrənt]  英['ɪntɪgrənt]
adj.  构成整体的;部份的;必须的


  1. Scientific moral is an import integrant of bio-medicine research. 科学道德情感是生物医学科学研究工作中的重要内容。
  2. So “De” is also an important integrant of the Chinese philosophy. 故“德”亦为中华民族哲学的核心之一。
  3. As the integrant of modernize services, the development of creative industry has important strategy significance on city competitive power of Shanghai. 创意产业作为现代服务业的组成部分,它的发展对提高上海城市的综合竞争力具有重要的战略意义。
  4. Cooperation is the basic form of human mutuality, and it is the integrant part of human society as well as competition. 合作是人类相互作用的基本形式之一,合作与竞争一样是人类社会中不可或缺的重要组成部分,是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要条件和动力。
  5. The market for the right to explore minerals and to mining is the key integrant of socialistic market economy. 探矿权、采矿权市场是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分。
  6. The Hakkas Culture that take the Hakkas as delegation is important integrant of China's culture. 以客属为代表的客家文化是中华文化的重要组成部分。