They should belong to an intergradation during the provenance of pottery which can be called“ Rudiment of Pottery”. 应该属于陶器形成过程中的阶段产物,也可以称之为陶器的雏形。
The introductive words we often see are intergradation, topic-explaining, suspense, and intuition, etc. 常见的导语有过渡式、解题式、悬念式、直观式等。
Short-limbed wall (SLW) is an intergradation of structure style between erose-section-column frame and conventional shear wall structure. 短肢剪力墙是介于异形框架柱和一般剪力墙之间的一种建筑结构体系,这种结构形式能使建筑取得良好的功能效果。
Therefore ,its our deserved responsibility to maximize the advantage of global intergradation ,but also minimize the bad effect it brings to us. 因此,将全球化带来的利处最大化最小程度受它带来的弊端影响,是我们每个人义不容辞的责任。
And now, our exchange rate regime is an intergradation between single dollar peg and basket peg.However, regard as nominal anchor, exchange rate is still effective. 2005年改革之后,我国的汇率制度是处于单一钉住美元汇率制度和钉住一篮子货币汇率制度之间的一种过渡形式,然而汇率名义锚的可维持性并没有因单一钉住制度的退出而受到影响。
On the Intergradation between Managerial and Financial Accounting 论管理会计与财务会计的融合