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美[ɪntə'zoʊn]  英[ɪntə'zəʊn]
adj.  地带间的;地区间的


  1. Zone Routing Protocol in MANET consists of IntrAzone and IntErzone routing. 摘要 自组网中区域路由协议主要由区域内路由和区域间路由组成。
  2. While, the network diameter restricts the length of routing enquiries during IntErzone Routing Protocol (IERP). 同时,采用网络直径缩短了按需过程中的路由查询长度。
  3. The SNRs of detected signal, interzone signal energy and the square of average interzone signal energy are compared. 如光纤泄漏检测法、负压波法、压力梯度法、实时模型法、质量平衡法、统计决策法、应力波法和声发射法“ 等等。
  4. Analysis method and case study on interzone spatial transfer of agricultural system production disposition in farming region. 农区农牧系统生产布局的区际空间转移分析方法及实例。
  5. As vice president of China operations for Interzone Entertainment (IE), an international start-up MMO game dea studio Mr. Lyndon founded and manages. 在美国、澳大利亚和巴西设有开发团队;并于中国收购高先生创立的一支80人的开发团队。
  6. In the investigation, various automobiles manufacturer's dealer degree of satisfaction interzone has certain difference. 在调查中,各汽车厂商的经销商满意度地区间有一定的差异。