Fig.5 Cell membrane was close to karyotheca 2 day after adhered SCs were added into aRWVB. 图5已贴壁许旺细胞进入模拟微重力环境培养2天,许旺细胞浆膜与核膜相贴.
Fig.5 Cell membrane was close to karyotheca 2 day afteradhered SCs were added into a RWVB. 标题: 图5已贴壁许旺细胞进入模拟微重力环境培养2天;许旺细胞浆膜与核膜相贴.
Karyotheca was rough in some cells.Cytoclasis and apoptosis of neurons had not been observed under light microscope and electron microscope. 光镜病理和透射电镜均未见节细胞成群细胞坏死、细胞膜早期破裂和凋亡小体形成。