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美  英
n.  [姓氏] 基尔默


  1. In this thriller Val Kilmer plays Frank a man who loses his memory after being shot in small desert town in New Mexico. 弗兰克因遭人谋害,抢救之后,大脑严重损伤,导致失忆,但是,阴谋者仍然潜伏在他身边。
  2. Stone, who is 50 and is set to begin production in Louisiana on a film with Val Kilmer called “Streets of Blood. 科尔姆合作,投身“血惺街道”的电影制作。
  3. After he's wounded during combat in Iraq MacPherson (Kilmer) reluctantly agrees to join a fellow soldier at his Arizona ranch. 麦克非尔逊在伊拉克作战期间受伤后,唯有退到同袍位于亚利桑那州的大农场。
  4. He teams up with an FBI Agent (Val Kilmer) who, unbeknownst to Carlin, heads a special team with extraordinary - and secret - capabilities. 一名联邦探员(瓦尔?基尔默饰)秘密领导了一个特别行动小组参与本案的侦破。
  5. The look at the life of the seminal American band- The Doors- died at the box office despite Val Kilmer's brilliant portrayal of lead-singer Jim Morrison. 他写了电影剧本《龙年》和《疤面人》,并于1978年因《午夜快车》赢得了奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖。
  6. Implanted with a lethal microchip and monitored closely by a Hope Industries executive (Val Kilmer), Gibson is plagued by strange visions and haunted by a past he cannot remember. 吉逊不时看到奇怪的未来景象,一段记不起的过去也让他很困惑。