Her Bf if a good-for-nothing layabout. 她男朋友是个没用的懒汉。
Her boyfriend is a good-for-nothing layabout. 她的男友是一个一无是处的懒汉。
He is a wretched idle layabout never done a day's work in his life. 他是一个讨厌的懒汉一辈子没干过一天活。
My fault, or rather, the fault of those layabout woodcutters. 我的错,或者说,那些懒惰的砍柴火的错。
I don`t believe rumor, nor stay without doing anything, nor keep in touch with the layabout. 今天我要深情地拥抱我的妻子,给她甜蜜的热吻,明天她会离去,我也是。
Park Gun Hyung, star of Innocent Steps, plays Ju Ho, a layabout playboy who spends his life chasing girls and staying out late. 起初他并没有教学的热诚和魄力,做事得过且过,马虎了事,从不备课,只希望可以避开所有麻烦事;