discharge of white mucous material from the vagina; often an indication of infection
Internal use: for coughs due to heat in the lungs, menorrhagia, leukorrhea. 肺热咳嗽,月经过多,白带;
This medicine is exceptionally effective for regulating menstruation and arresting leukorrhea of women. 调经止带,解除妇女之痛苦,此药有特效。
The results of TCT,examination of vaginal leukorrhea,HPV and the number of retrieved oocytes,quality of embryo,outcome of IVF-ET were analyzed. 阴道炎、HPV感染、宫颈感染以及TCT结果与IVF-ET的结局无明显关系;阴道炎类型及治疗与否、HPV感染与否、宫颈感染的程度以及TCT结果与IVF-ET过程中各个临床参数无明显关系(P<0.;05)。
Ginseng was evaluated in “Shen-Nong-Pen-Ts''ao-Chin” to moisten lung, make level pant, halt enuresis urine, and cease leukorrhea. 在[本草纲目]中评银杏具有歛肺平喘、止遗尿、白带的作用。银杏主要所含的有效成分以黄酮醇及银杏内酯最受重视。
Middle-aged and older women, after intercourse vaginal bleeding, or usually have irregular vaginal bleeding, or a few years after menopause to menstruation, leukorrhea increased. 中年以上的妇女,性交后阴道有少量出血,或平时有不规则的阴道出血,或是停经数年后又来月经,白带明显增多。
Function: Strengthens the function of ovary wholly, regulates endocrine and reproductive system, improves dysmenorrhea, irregular menstration and leukorrhea, balances hormone level. 功效:全方位增强卵巢功能,调节内分泌及生殖系统,改善痛经、月经不调、白带过多、阴道分泌过少,平衡荷尔蒙。