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美  英
n.  地方时角(下半训组装)


  1. All proceeds will go to LHA weekend school. 所有演出收入将用于资助爱心假日学校。
  2. Act I: The Duel: Scene 1: Sullorlo dei tetti alcun lha veduta! 第一幕:决斗:第一场:Sullorlo dei tetti alcun lha veduta!
  3. The LHA was derived from the PHA (44.6%) or the RHA(30.2%) or other arteries (25.2%). 肝左动脉可直接发自肝固有动脉(44.;6%25),也可来源于肝右动脉(30
  4. UltimateZip is a zip/unzip tool that supports 16 archive types (Ace, Arj, Cab, Lha,Rar, Tar, GZip, Zip and so on). 一款使用简单的压缩解压档案软件。
  5. There was some variation of the middle hepatic artery(MHA) with more than 62.2% arising from the LHA. 肝中动脉的变异较大,发自肝左动脉较多(62.;2%25);
  6. Support for zip, arj, rar, cab, lha / lzh, arc, tar, gzip, z, sfx and many other file formats. 支持zip,arj,rar,cab,lha/lzh,arc,tar,gzip,z,sfx等多种档案格式。