The water level's raise of limnological region may be dangerous for bamboos' growing which also means that pandas who have bamboo as their food would be in danger. 湖区水位提高可能要危及竹子的生长。这意味着以竹子为食物的大熊猫也将受到威胁。
Guan ZH. Morphometric parameters of Baoan Lake and their limnological implications. In: Resources, environment and fisheryecological management of macrophytic lakes (Liang YL and Liu HQ, Eds), Beijing: Science Press, 1995. 官子和。保安湖形态测量学参数及其在湖沼学上的意义。草型湖泊资源、环境与渔业生态学管理(一)。梁彦龄,刘伙泉主编。北京:科学出版社,1995。
The New Zealand Limnological Society (Limsoc) was formed in 1968, it holds workshops and conferences, co-operating with other scientific bodies, communication through emailing list for all members. 新西兰湖沼学协会成立于1968年,它的活动包括组织专题讨论和其它会议,加强同其它科学组织之间的合作交流,促进会员之间的沟通等。
Institute of Maritime and Limnological Sciences 海事与湖沼科学学院
Harris G P.Pattern,process and prediction in aquatic ecology-A limnological view of some general ecological problems[J].Freshwater Biol.,1994,32:143-160 2002[赵斌.;生态系统"生态因子场"空间格局的非线性分析