pathologically excessive (and often incoherent) talking
Facing and maybe sinking in front of this logorrhea of contents, artists need to erase, to simplify, and unify these discourses as an important part of their practice. 极少主义主张把绘画语言削减至仅仅是色与形的关系,主张用极少的色彩和极少的形象去简化画面,摒弃一切干扰主体的不必要的东西。)
Since the 1980s, because of the inferiority complex, anxiety, the impetuous, and other cultural mentality, the scholars had a logorrhea when the constructed the national literary theory. 上世纪80年代以来,由于受自卑、焦虑、浮躁等文化心态的驱使,学者们在建构民族文论时患上多语症,呈现出了语量超多、语意空洞、语法杂乱、语境自闭等症状。