Candy necklaces and bracelets, PEZ, ring pops, or lollypop whistles are all things that kids start eating and then turn into more of a playtoy.糖果项链和糖果手镯,沥青,戒指造型的糖,或者是棒棒糖口哨,这些东西孩子们吃了之后就可以把它们变为玩具。
Candy necklaces and bracelets, PEZ, ring pops, or lollypop whistles are all things that kids start eating and then turn into more of a playtoy.糖果项链和糖果手镯,沥青,戒指造型的糖,或者是棒棒糖口哨,这些东西孩子们吃了之后就可以把它们变为玩具。