Yeomen- Added+4 maximum range to longbowman stagger and defend attacks. 义勇骑兵-长弓在分散和防御阵形时最大射程+(??
Yeomen - Added +4 maximum range to longbowman stagger and defend attacks. 义勇骑兵-长弓在分散和防御阵形时最大射程+4(???
Being mounted allows for increased mobility enabling the longbowman to out flank his enemies and ride out of danger. 骑马作战令这些长弓兵极为机动灵活,可以从侧翼杀伤敌军,然后迅速策马远遁。
Doesn't the Arrow Knight's range of 30 take away from the uniqueness of the longbowman? 弓箭武士(应是阿兹提克的单位)的30射击距离是否夺走了长弓兵的独特性?(真的吗?30!?
The advantage of being mounted allows a longbowman to flank his enemies and ride out of danger. Not to be mistaken for true cavalry though. 骑马作战令这些长弓兵极为机动灵活,可以从侧翼杀伤敌军,然后迅速策马远遁,但绝对不能令其遭遇近身搏杀。