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美  英
n.  一般调查;观察旅行


  1. You want to know how much I care How much I'm loving you Give it just a thought And another look See my witness is the moon loading. 你问我爱你有多深我爱你有几分你去想一想你去看一看月亮代表我的心。
  2. Look in the TV guide to see what's on. 看看电视节目表上有什麽节目?
  3. I look up and see the Soviet flag on the moon. 我抬头看见苏联的国旗在月球上飘扬。
  4. I can see from the telltale look in her eyes that she love him. 我从她那无法掩饰的眼神里可以看出她爱他。
  5. Look ahead. What can you see on the top of the hill? 向前看。你看见山顶上有什么东西?
  6. Look to see whether the road is clear before you cross. 看清没车时再过马路。