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美['lɒkwətə]  英['lɒkwətə]
v.  <拉>开始说话(舞台指示用语; 常接在演名后)


  1. Introduction of the Common Law should res ipsa loquitur of the way. 应该引进英美法中的事实自证的证明方式。
  2. Res ipsa loquitur does not normally entail a presumption of the defendant's fault, nor a shift in the burden of proof. 事实自证制度通常并不涉及对被告过错的推定,也不必定导致举证责任的倒置。
  3. Res ipsa loquitur proven method has its advantages in handling damages in medical tort cases. 事实自证的证明方式在处理医疗侵权损害赔偿案件中有其优势。
  4. The principle of res ipsa loquitur is a special evidence rule or doctrine in Anglo-American tort law. 内容提要:事实自证制度是英美侵权法中的一项特殊的证据制度和证据学说。
  5. Application of Dostrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur in American Medical Tangle 事实自证原则在美国医疗损害纠纷中的应用研究
  6. Keywords medical incidents;tort damages;responsibility;burden of onus;res ipsa loquitur; 医疗事故;侵权损害赔偿;归责原则;举证责任;事实自证原则;