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美[lɔːs]  英[lɒs]
n.  遗失;丧失;损失;失败;失落;死亡


  1. 丧失,失去
  2. 损失,遗失,丢失
  3. 减少,减损,减低,降低,下降
  4. 失败,输,输掉
  5. 浪费
  6. 亏损
  7. 损失量,损失额,亏损额
  8. 损毁
  9. 错过
  10. 【军】伤亡
  11. 【军】伤亡及被俘人数
  12. 【电】损耗
  13. 【保险业】赔偿性损失事件,险损,险损赔偿额


  1. [C]丧失,遗失 the act or an example of losing or failing to keep sth
  2. [S]损耗,亏损 sth that is lost;waste


  1. something that is lost;

    "the car was a total loss" "loss of livestock left the rancher bankrupt"

  2. gradual decline in amount or activity;

    "weight loss" "a serious loss of business"

  3. the act of losing someone or something;

    "everyone expected him to win so his loss was a shock"

  4. the disadvantage that results from losing something;

    "his loss of credibility led to his resignation" "losing him is no great deprivation"

  5. the experience of losing a loved one;

    "he sympathized on the loss of their grandfather"

  6. the amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue;

    "the company operated at a loss last year" "the company operated in the red last year"

  7. military personnel lost by death or capture
  8. euphemistic expressions for death;

    "thousands mourned his passing"


  1. absorb loss接受损失
  2. afford loss承担损失
  3. bear a loss蒙受损失
  4. cause a loss造成损失
  5. cover a loss弥补损失,掩盖损失
  6. cut a loss赶紧脱手以免多受损失
  7. face a loss面临损失
  8. get over the loss从损失中恢复过来
  9. have a loss受损失
  10. hide sb's loss隐瞒损失
  11. make a loss对…造成损失
  12. make up a loss弥补损失
  13. recover losses弥补损失
  14. repair a loss补救损失
  15. report loss报道损失
  16. share a loss with同…分担损失
  17. show a loss表明损失
  18. stand a loss忍受一次损失
  19. suffer loss忍受损失之苦
  20. suffer from a loss遭受损失
  21. turn loss into gain转失为得,扭亏为盈
  1. actual loss实际损失
  2. complete loss完全丧失,一无所知
  3. dead loss全部亏损
  4. further loss更多的损失
  5. great loss巨大伤亡
  6. heavy loss重大的伤亡
  7. material loss物质损失
  8. national loss国家的损失
  9. realloss真正的损失
  10. sad loss悲惨的损失
  11. small loss小损失
  12. terrible loss可怕的损失
  13. total loss总的损失
  1. crop loss歉收
  2. energy loss能量损耗
  3. heat loss热量丧失
  4. memory loss失去了记忆力
  5. weight loss重量的减少
  1. at a loss不知所措,蒙受损失
  2. sell sth at a loss折本出售某物
  3. throw sb for a loss〈美口〉使某人苦恼,陷入绝境
  1. loss in在…方面的亏损〔伤亡〕
  2. loss in business营业损失
  3. loss of a battle战败
  4. loss of face丢脸,失面子
  5. loss of health健康损失
  6. loss of speed失速
  7. loss of weight失重
  8. loss on the enemy敌人遭受了重大损失
  9. loss to nation国家的损失
  10. loss to sb对某人是一大损失


  1. The loss of her purse caused her much inconvenience.丢失钱包给她带来了诸多不便。
  2. This wounded soldier was unconscious from his loss of blood.这名伤员由于失血过多而昏迷不醒。
  3. His costly mistake resulted in severe loss.他的严重的错误导致了重大的损失。
  4. The loss of the football game stirred up much anger.球赛的失败引起了极大的愤慨。
  5. But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their life.但是当我们离开家人后,他们的余生将会在失落中度过。
  6. She is inconsolable for the loss of her husband.她因丈夫的离世而痛不欲生。


    loss的基本意思是“丧失,遗失,损失”,可指能量、热量的丧失,也可指战斗、比赛中“打输”“失败”。还可作经济活动中的“亏本”解。 loss作“损失”解时,多用复数形式。 loss常跟介词to,表示“对…是个损失”。 at a loss的意思是“不知所措”,后面可接“for+ n. ”, to- v 或由疑问词引导的从句结构。