n. 薄情寡义的浪荡子;色鬼(原为Samuel Richardson 小说Clarrisa Harlowe中人物的名字)
English poet (1618-1857)
They say, "Lovelace, who is this fool? |他们说:“爱拉斯,这个傻瓜是谁?
Lovelace, did you ever actually meet a mystic being? |爱拉斯,你见过奥秘之神吗?
Lovelace, how did you get that thing around your neck? |你脖子上的东西是怎么来的?
Charles Babbage & Ada Byron (Lady Lovelace) worked on programmable mechanical calculating machines. Charles Babbage和Ada byron发明了可编程的机械式计算器(差分机)。
And let us not forget that the world’s very first computer programmer was a woman in her 20s named Ada Byron Lovelace. 世界上第一个计算机编程员是一名女性,她当时才20岁,她生活在150年前。
Before we announce to the world that our firm of Lovelace and Co. can't meet its engagement, we try to make compromises. 在我们向世界宣布我们的勒夫列斯公司倒闭以前,总要采取一些中间步骤。