"a topsy-turvy society of lowborn rich and blue-blooded poor"
GMs running a Band of Heroes game may wish to use the more precise Lowborn and Wealth rules. GM操纵着一帮英雄冒险的游戏更适合用低级的出身和财富规则。
Lowborn men are but a breath, the highborn are but a lie; if weighed on a balance, they are nothing ; together they are only a breath. 9下流人真是虚空,上流人也是虚假。放在天平里就必浮起。他们一共比空气还轻。
Lowborn men are but a breath, the highborn are but a lie; if weighed on a balance, they are nothing; together they are only a breath. 下流人真是虚空,上流人也是虚假。放在天平里就必浮起。他们一共比空气还轻。
A character who starts with a Wealth Rank lower than 2 should roll on Table 11-3: Random Starting Money, as a lowborn character. 财富等级低于2级的人(作为一个低出身的人)应当按照表11-3投骰子:随机决定起始资金。
Jane Eyre is a lowborn girl, who is not pretty but smart, sentimental and refrctory. She has a high sense of independence and brave encouragement. 简爱是一个贫苦低微、其貌不扬、性格倔强、感情丰富、独立自尊、勇敢执着、聪慧过人的女孩。
Similarly, lowborn characters should not take the Noble Class unless they are elevated during the course of their adventures. 同样,出身低贱的人物得不到贵族职业,除非他们在冒险的过程中得到地位的提升。