So time became lumbersome and little, snowstorms broke the door of the heart easily. 于是时间变得沉重而渺小,暴风雪轻易破了薄薄的门。
I saw a lot of information on that unlimitedly, nearly all of that are focus on the topic of economy conditions, housing, income, having children or not.It made me feel realistically and lumbersome. 因为我无意中在上面看到了很多信息,无非要求的都是经济条件、住房、工资、有无子女,感觉话题未免太过现实与沉重。
behind her, he was waiting in quiet, however, sunset like a lumbersome separated them. 他在她背后安静地等候,于是落日关上了沉重的门;