- The ukrainian city lvov has recently installed what might just be the world's biggest crossword (in physical size). 乌克兰里沃夫市最近安装了可能是世界上最大的纵横填字迷的装置(仅从物理尺寸上讲)。
- But the storm has continued, as Dr. Lvov has stuck by his charges and other specialists too have cast doubt on the official figures. 但风暴并未平息,因利沃夫坚持自己的说法,其他专家也对官方数据表示怀疑。
- Lvov new route will operate 3 weekly classes, one in every Monday, Thursday and Sunday in the round-trip between Istanbul and Lvov. 利沃夫新航线将在每周运营3班,分别于每周一、周四及周日在伊斯坦布尔和利沃夫之间往返。
- Despite lavish hospitality from Ukraine's football-loving tycoons, UEFA is unhappy and may even cancel some matches planned in Lvov. 虽然乌克兰热爱足球的企业巨头表现出极大的诚意,但欧足联仍对此表示不满,并有可能取消部分原定于利沃夫举行的比赛。
- “SORRY we are closed: everybody has gone to the barricades,” read the note pinned to the door of a travel agency in Lvov, western Ukraine, in November 2004. “对不起,我们现在已经结束营业:大伙都倒总统大选活动凑热闹去了”。这是2004年11月在乌克兰西部城市利沃夫的一家旅行社的大门上所钉着的一张便条。