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美['laɪsɒl]  英['laɪsɒl]
n.  LYSOL, 是利洁时集团的注册商标,主要生产清洁、洗涤制剂及消毒产品. 该商标指定使用商品如下:(包括但不限于下列商品)浸清洁剂的清洁布; 浸有清洁制剂的纸巾; 预润湿浸渍餐具洗涤剂的纸巾; 浸清洁剂的湿巾; 浸化妆水的薄纸; 浸有皮肤清洁液的纸巾; 含洁肤剂纸巾; 浸卸妆液的薄纸; 化妆粉纸; 化妆用除油纸;梳洗用制剂; 肥皂; 研磨剂; 非医用漱口剂; 空气芳香剂; 抛光制剂; 香精油; 香; 个人或动物用除臭剂; 清洁制剂; 清洁制剂(家庭机关用); 浸药液的薄纸; 一次性消毒湿巾;杀真菌剂; 空气除臭剂; 净化剂; 牲畜用洗涤剂(杀虫剂); 杀虫剂; 灭菌棉; 消毒剂; 医用营养品; 消毒纸巾; 牙填料; 防腐和消毒清洁品及喷雾剂


  1. a clear oily brown solution of cresols in soap; used as an antiseptic and disinfectant


  1. Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with a can of Lysol. 缓慢地跟着某人,并向他接触过的每件东西喷洒来沙尔牌消毒剂。
  2. In my absence the window curtains have been hung.They have the appearance of Tyrolean tablecloths dipped in lysol. 我不在家时窗帘挂上了,它们看起来像在来苏水里浸过的奥地利蒂罗尔州出产的桌布。
  3. The study was sponsored by Reckitt-Benckiser Inc., makers of Lysol, but no products were tested in the research. 接下来,研究人员故意让一些物体的表面带菌,然后测试开灯,应答电话或者从事日常其他活动的时候病菌是否会传递。
  4. INGREDIENTS:silicone oil,palclean formula,Lysol solution,protective protein,eliminates static,natural vegetable oil. 注意事项:1、避光保存、用后盖紧;2、放置儿童不可接触处、以防误吃。
  5. Next, return usable and ordinary disinfection water to disinfect, be like lysol water, potassium permanganate fluid and bleaching powder. 其次,还可用普通的消毒水消毒,如来苏水,高锰酸钾液和漂白粉等。
  6. You smell of lysol. 你有来沙尔的味道。