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美[mə'ʃɪnˌlaɪk]  英[mə'ʃiːnlaɪk]
adj.  机器般的


  1. resembling the unthinking functioning of a machine;

    "an automatic `thank you'" "machinelike efficiency"


  1. In the world of 2001, people have become so machinelike that the most human character turns out to be a machine. 在2001年的世界,人们已经变得如此像机器,以至于大多数人物结果都成了机器。
  2. With unnecessary motion eliminated, the worker, following a machinelike routine, became far more productive. 消除不必要的动作,工人遵循机械化的动作,变得更有生产力。
  3. He stood up, took his hat with his left hand, put it on his head with a machinelike movement and left the house without another word. 他站起身来,左手拿起帽子,戴在头上,动作就跟机器似的,没再说一句话,就出了家门。
  4. They have always blended dark atmospheric sounds with machinelike rhythms, thereby creating a soundtrack to your worst nightmares. 他们总是将有黑暗气氛的声音和机械节奏混合,来带给你最痛苦的恶梦之声。
  5. It is a tragedy of our educational system that the machinelike efficiency of our program has achieved most of its goals without addressing the needs of students as individuals. 我们的教育制度的悲剧之处在于我们的计划的效率像机器一样已达到了大部分目标,却没有解决儿童作为个体的需要。
  6. That membrane proceeds to wrap over the nerve fiber with machinelike precision, spiraling down to create the distinctive sausage shape, tightening itself over the fiber like a threaded nut. 这层隔膜就象机器操作那样的精确包裹在神经纤维上,并旋转缠绕成特殊的香肠形状。就象螺母那样紧紧地包在神经纤维上。