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美[ˌmækroʊ'njuːtriːənt]  英[mækrəʊ'njuːtrɪənt]
n.  [生]大量养料;大量营养素;常量营养元素


  1. How does a suicide attempter eat differently from others? Comparison of macronutrient intakes. 有自杀倾向的人是不是在膳食构成上也有不同?
  2. Table 4. Effect of supraoptimal root temperatures on macronutrient content of Pak Choi TVI4510 and B.00049. 表四、高根温对小白菜品系TVI4510及B.;0009植株地上部大量元素含量之影响。
  3. Dietary prescriptions are notoriously hard to follow, especially when the limitations involve protein, a ubiquitous macronutrient in Western diet. 众所周知,饮食处方疗法很难医从,特别是在限制蛋白的情况下西方饮食所包含的大量营养素。
  4. Dietary prescriptions are notoriously hard to follow, especially when the limitations inole protein, a ubiquitous macronutrient in Western diet. 众所周知,饮食处方疗法很难医从,特别是在限制蛋白的情况下西方饮食所包含的大量营养素。
  5. This study indicates that feeding diets with varying macronutrient levels to chicks during the first week posthatch has distinct effects as compared to older broilers. 这个研究表明,与大龄肉鸡相比,日粮中不同水平的主营养素对孵化后1周内雏鸡具有明显的效果。
  6. In fact, if you go without carbohydrates for too long, your metabolism could decrease because carbohydrates are the main macronutrient that influences the thyroid gland. 每天均衡摄取热卡将有助于你保持能量平衡,但是从脂肪增重的角度来说,睡前吃东西并不会增加你的体重。