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美['mæfɪk]  英['mæfɪk]
adj.  镁铁质的


  1. Biotite is a subordinate constituent of the mafic and ultramafic rocks generally. 黑云母一般是镁铁质及超镁铁质岩石中的次要成分。
  2. Wenquan granite is composed of two end-member rocks, one is the host rock of the acid end-member, and the other is the microgranular mafic enclave. 摘要温泉花岗岩体由酸性端元的寄主岩石和暗色微细粒镁铁质包体群及基性岩墙群组成。
  3. The discriminant figures of tectonic setting show that the mafic rocks was formed in seamount setting. 通过地球化学图件判别,认为该基性杂岩形成于洋中脊的构造环境。
  4. The mafic rocks of the Early Palaeozoic ophiolite are mainly N-MORB, minorly T-MORB. 早古生代蛇绿岩中辉长岩、辉绿岩和玄武岩等镁铁质岩主要具N-MORB性质,少量具T-MORB性质。
  5. As to the activity of the components, the mafic component is more active than the felsic component. 在组分活性方面,镁铁质组分比长英质组分的活动更为明显。
  6. CH4 and contains melt of potassium-rich aluminosilicate, mafic aluminosilicate, carbonatite and sulfides. CH4挥发份的含富钾铝硅酸盐熔体、富镁铁铝硅酸盐熔体、碳酸岩熔体及硫化物熔体的富SiO2硅酸盐熔体。