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美[mæg'nɪfɪk]  英[mæg'nɪfɪk]
adj.  状丽的;宏伟的
  副词:magnifically  异体字:magnifical


  1. In this magnific time, everyone should clean their heart. 在这庄严时刻,每个人都应自正其心。
  2. How you seamlessly negotiated that deal while it was simply magnific. 你的谈判简直是天衣无缝,同时又显得高贵而大方。
  3. Love in easiness is nice, love in trials and tribulations is magnific. 花前月下的爱情固然美好,相濡以沫,相互鼓励,相互支持的爱情则更加荡气回肠。
  4. Appollo stood for[5] youth and manly beauty. His golden hair and magnific manner made him very attractive. 阿波罗象征着青春和阳刚之美。他金色的头发和庄重的神态使他非常具有非凡的魅力。
  5. Appollo stood for[5] youth and manly beauty.His golden hair and magnific manner made him very attractive. 阿波罗象征着青春和阳刚之美。他金色的头发和庄重的神态使他非常具有非凡的魅力。
  6. We all know to show loyalty to love ,until we find our better-halves ,that our most magnific promises have been others. 我们都知道要忠于爱情,直到遇到另一人,才发现此生最庄严的承诺已交付给他人。