Chromosome data of some Chinese magnoliaceous plants. 中国木兰科植物的染色体资料.
The geographic distribution and floristic characteristic of Magnoliaceous 7 genera and 23 species in Jiangxi are studied in this paper. 摘要对江西木兰科植物7属23种的地理分布和区系特征进行了分析。
The book mainly based on the first-hand data by investigating the wild magnoliaceous species in China and some cultivated species from foreign countries. 20多年来,作者对我国的野生木兰科植物资源及我国有栽培的少量国外种进行了较深入的调查和研究,取得了大量的第一手资料,本书就是在此基础上编著而成的。
Among the magnoliaceous fossils, the earliest one is Archimagnolia rostrato-stylosa Tao et Zhang reported from the Lower Cretaceous Dalazi Formation of Yanji district, Northeast China. 该科最早的化石记录为中国东北延吉地区早白垩世大拉子组的喙柱始木兰Archimagnolia rostrato-stylosa Tao et Zhang。