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美['mænoʊstæt]  英['mænəʊstæt]
n.  气体恒定流量装置


  1. Power for the thermal cycler shall be provided with a manostat or a UPS to avoid the influence on PCR amplification arose by fluctuation of voltage. 热循环仪的电源应专用,并配备一个稳压电源或UPS,以防止由于电压的波动对扩增测定的影响。
  2. Shanghai Kehuan Electric Manostat Co., Ltd. Is a domestic joint venture subordinate to State Committee of Science. 上海科焕电力稳压器有限公司,是国家科委下属的一家国内合资企业,雄厚的技术力量
  3. I search in old component bucket, discover manostat of alterable voltage of a few LM317. 我在旧元件桶里找了找,发现一些 LM317 可变电压稳压器。
  4. And to consuming electronic market, DC/DC switch manostat is used at mobile phone and other shift device normally. 而对于生产电子市场,DC/DC开关稳压器凡是用于手机和其它挪动行动措施。
  5. And notebook computer needs more manostat, drive switch manostat to sell growth. 而笔记本电脑需要更多的稳压器,敦促开关稳压器发卖增添。
  6. The article proposed the split-ring direct-current manostat based on the switch type AC-DC transformation. 文章基于开关式AC-DC变换提出了开环直流稳压器。