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美  英
n.  (印度中、西部的)马拉地人


  1. a member of a people of India living in Maharashtra


  1. Can Maratha be at home this evening? 玛丽沙今晚能回家吗?
  2. In 1741, the Maratha general Raghuji laid siege to the French-held town of Pondicherry. 一七四一年,马拉地将领拉古吉围攻法国佔领的本地治里市。
  3. Unlike the foreign (in origin) Mughals, the Maratha rulers are Indian princes and kings. 自一四五三年消灭拜占庭的东正教帝国之后,奥斯曼帝国开始势如破竹,一路向西扩张,直达欧洲的心脏。
  4. Founded in the 18th century by a Gond prince, it became the capital of members of the Maratha confederacy. 一位贡德王子建于18世纪,后成为马拉塔联盟成员的首要城市。
  5. The Maratha Empire or Confederacy was born in violence, as the result of the successful overthrow of Mughal rule less than a generation ago. 过去几个世纪的欧洲历史可以看成是奥斯曼帝国烈焰般的征服与一些恼人的蕞尔小邦不自量力阻挡其扩张之路的历史。
  6. AS THE warrior king who defeated the Mughals and founded the Maratha empire of Western India in the 17th century, Shivaji Bhosle is remembered as a tactical genius as well as a benevolent ruler. 作为战胜莫卧尔的勇士国王,并建立了17世纪西印度Maratha王朝的ShivajiBhosle被认为既是位战术天才又是位仁爱的统治者。