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n.  马默杜克(m


  1. Instead of coffee, Marmaduke likes to start his day off with a cup of gravy. 马玛度克喜欢在清晨喝杯肉汁,而不是咖啡。
  2. He said his priority was now to return to his wife, Shara, and their young sons, Jesse and Marmaduke. 挑战结束后,拜尔表示他最大的心愿就是立即回到妻子莎拉和年幼的儿子们身边去。
  3. Status Offline Instead of coffee, Marmaduke likes to start his day off with a cup of gravy. 马玛度克喜欢在清晨喝杯肉汁,而不是咖啡。
  4. American Civil War: In the Battle of Cane Hill, Union troops under General John Blunt defeat General John Marmaduke's Confederates. 年,美国内战期间:凯恩山之战中,在约翰·布兰特率领下的联军击溃了约翰·马默杜克率领下的盟军。
  5. A few months earlier, Ronald Murphy of Las Vegas had given me his Purple Heart, and Charles Hampton from Marmaduke, Arkansas, had sent me the Bronze Star he earned for valor in Vietnam. 几个月以前,来自拉斯韦加斯的罗纳德.;墨菲把他的紫心勋章给了我,来自阿肯色州马默杜克的查尔斯