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美['mæstər]  英['mɑːstə(r)]
n.  主人;硕士;专家
vt.  控制;精通
adj.  主要的;主人的;精通的
  名词:masterdom  过去式:mastered  过去分词:mastered  现在分词:mastering  第三人称单数:masters


  1. 师傅
  2. 船长,船主
  3. 主人,少爷
  4. 雇主,老板
  5. 硕士,硕士学位
  6. 院长,校长
  7. 大师,能手,名家
  8. 男教师
  9. 名家作品
  10. 户主
  11. 家长
  12. 先生
  1. 主要的,重要的
  2. 总的
  3. 精通的,熟练的
  4. 主人的
  5. 优秀的,出类拔萃的
  6. 为首的
  7. 最精彩的
  8. 有技能的
  9. 灵巧的
  10. 最大的
  11. 支配的
  1. 控制(情绪),克制, 压制(情欲)
  2. 制服,收服,克服,征服
  3. 统治
  4. 做…的主人
  5. 精通,掌握,熟练
  6. 养乖,养训(动物)
  7. 晾干
  8. 占领
  9. 灌制…的唱片原版


  1. [C]主人 a man in control of people, animals or things
  2. [C]男教师; 院长 a male teacher; the head of certain university or colleges
  3. [C]大师,手艺灵巧的人 a man who has great skill in art or in working with his hands
  4. [C]原模,原版,母带 sth which copies are made
  1. [A]精通的,熟练的,优秀的 having a lot of skill as a result of long experience
  2. [A]主要的,重要的 chief; most important
  1. vt. 做…的主人; 控制; 征服 gain control over
  2. vt. 熟练; 精通 learn thoroughly


  1. an artist of consummate skill;

    "a master of the violin" "one of the old masters"

  2. a person who has general authority over others
  3. a combatant who is able to defeat rivals
  4. directs the work of others
  5. presiding officer of a school
  6. an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made
  7. an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship
  8. someone who holds a master's degree from academic institution
  9. an authority qualified to teach apprentices
  10. key that secures entrance everywhere
  1. most important element;

    "the chief aim of living" "the main doors were of solid glass" "the principal rivers of America" "the principal example" "policemen were primary targets" "the master bedroom" "a master switch"

  1. be or become completely proficient or skilled in;

    "She mastered Japanese in less than two years"

  2. get on top of; deal with successfully;

    "He overcame his shyness"

  3. have dominance or the power to defeat over;

    "Her pain completely mastered her" "The methods can master the problems"

  4. have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of;

    "Do you control these data?"


  1. be one's own master能独立自主,不受别人控制
  2. become a master成为主人
  3. follow one's master顺从主人,跟在主人后面
  4. hate one's master憎恨主人
  5. like one's master喜欢自己的主人
  6. serve a master为主人效劳,侍奉主人
  1. cruel master残忍的主人
  2. famous master著名的大师
  3. good-hearted master好心的主人
  4. grand master大师(水平最高棋手的称号)
  5. great master大师,名家
  6. old master老师傅,名家
  7. outstanding master杰出的大师
  8. severe master严厉的主人
  9. young master小主人
  1. dancing master舞蹈教师
  2. harbour master港务长
  3. music master音乐教师
  4. school master(中、小学)校长
  1. master at…的能手
  2. master in literature大文学家,文豪
  3. master in one's own house不受别人干涉
  4. master of精通…的人
  5. master of art艺术大师
  6. master of Arts文科硕士
  7. master of Science理科硕士
  8. master on the situation能控制局势,善于随机应变
  1. master a foreign language掌握一门外语
  2. master a horse驯马
  3. master nature征服自然
  4. master one's anger强压怒火
  5. master the art掌握艺术
  6. master the situation控制局势
  1. master completely完全支配
  2. master thoroughly完全支配,彻底精通


  1. The dog remained faithful to his master.这条狗始终忠于它的主人。
  2. I can be a master of myself in learning.我可以做自我学习上的主人。
  3. He is a Master of Science.他是理科硕士。
  4. No man is born a master of art.没有人生来就是艺术大师。
  1. She learned to master her anger.她学会了控制自己不发火。
  2. It's not easy to master a foreign language.掌握一门外语并不容易。
  1. There is always a master for each of these services and there may be one or more replicas.对于这些服务的每一种总是有一个主要的而且可能有一件以上的复制品。
  2. Ramchandra Dutta, one of the chief householder disciples of the Master, lived in Calcutta.师父的其中一位主要的居士门徒拉姆钱德拉杜塔也住在加尔各答。
  3. The servant tried to gauge his master's mood.那个仆人想揣测他主人的心思。
  4. He was offten beaten up by his master.他常常遭到主人的痛打。
  5. His father was a master carpenter.他父亲是个手艺高的木匠。


    master的基本意思是“主人”,指有权支配、使唤别人的人,也可指对奴隶、动物或事物的“控制者”,常与介词of连用。 master作“主人”解时用于男性,相对应的阴性名词是mistress。 master也可指“男教师”。在美国master teacher意为“老教师”。 master也可指商船、大渔船的“船长”或某些大学、学院的“院长”,作“院长”解时首字母常大写。 master用于比喻还可作“大师,手艺灵巧的人”解。 master还有“原模,原版,母带”的意思。 master也可用于指大学所颁授的“硕士学位”,首字母大写。
    master用作形容词的意思是“精通的,熟练的,优秀的”,也可作“主要的,重要的” 解。 master无比较级和最高级形式,在句中主要用作定语。
    master用作动词的基本意思是“做…的主人”,也可作“控制,征服”“精通,掌握”“支使,命令”解。 master是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,偶尔也可接动名词作宾语。


  1. 作为英语专业的学生,我们必须很好地掌握英语。

    As students of English, we must master the language very well.

    As students of English, we must master the language.

    As students of English, we must gain the mastery of the language.

    As students of English, we must have a good command of the language.

    master已含“精通”的意思,不必加very well,可以改用gain the mastery of 或 have a good command of等惯用语。但其中的介词 of不能换用in。


    The advanced worker taught us how to master the machine.

    The advanced worker taught us how to operate the machine.

    master一般指“精通”,是对知识而言,而没有具体地“操纵”“掌握机器”的意思。可以说master a language; 但不可说master a machine〔tractor〕等,应改为operate。