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美['mɑːzəl]  英['mɑːzəl]
n.  (好)运气


  1. David Mazel(ed.)A Century of Early Ecocritism, Athens and London: The University of Georgia Press, 2001. 劳伦斯.;劳伦斯散文[M]
  2. The idea that we might actually do something for the nation was not a concern, Mr. Mazel says. 马泽尔说,大家并不关心我们能为国家做点什么实事。
  3. David Mazel, a research analyst, thinks people like meetings because 'you can stay busy without accomplishing a thing.' He says 'having gone to the meeting is the work. 麦凯的说法有助于回答这样一个问题:如果人人都如此讨厌开会,为什么还要开那么多的会?
  4. Do you know who gain most money per concert in today classical world??I heard is Lorin Mazel if I am not mistaken,his market price is $100 thousand per concert for conducting. 只要认真去体会,平凡的事也可能蕴藏很深的情意。单纯自在地去经历一切,无时无刻都能享受快乐和感动。
  5. Mazel tov! |吉祥如意!
  6. Mazel tov to the bride and groom." 祝新娘新郎好运!"