Methoxychlor consignment four major production companies, acetate cobalt, manganese acetate series of intermediate products. 公司主要生产四氯苯醌、醋酸钴、醋酸锰等中间体系列产品。
AIM: To explore the effects of methoxychlor (MXC) on reproduction and development in mice. 目的:研究甲氧滴滴涕(MXC)染毒对孕小鼠生殖和胎鼠发育的影响.
Methoxychlor is a DDT substitute and one of endocrine-disrupting chemicals which heavily pollutes the environment. 甲氧滴滴涕是滴滴涕的结构类似物和替代物,是农药内分泌干扰物的一种。
There have been many animal expriments on male reproductive toxicity of methoxychlor,mainly involving in changes in testicle,epididymis and seminiferous epithelium. 甲氧滴滴涕的雄性生殖毒性研究较多,主要为睾丸、附睾及生精上皮的改变。