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美[ˌmetrə'nɒmɪk]  英[ˌmetrə'nɒmɪk]
adj.  节拍器的
  副词:metronomically  异体字:metronomical


  1. His financial problems hit the headlines with almost metronomic regularity. 他的财政问题几乎定期成为头条新闻。
  2. The metronomic rhythm of urban life is more pronounced in the Big Apple; syncopation is reflected in daily conversation. 他们借用日常生活的语言来打破这种一成不变的步调。
  3. Now we review the antiangiogenic effect of metronomic chemotherapy and its mechanism,combined therapy and clini... 现就其抗血管生成作用及其机制、联合用药及临床试验现状作一综述。
  4. Metronomic chemotherapy is expected to become a novel treatment model for metastatic breast cancer. 节拍化疗有望成为转移性乳腺癌一种全新的治疗模式。
  5. His clients were fiercely loyal; they had to be or he would cut them out of his hallowed investment circle and month-after-month returns of metronomic regularity. 麦道夫的客户极度的忠诚,而且他们也必须如此;否则麦道夫就会切断此人同投资循环的关联,并失去月复一月的收益。
  6. A strict metronomic tempo. 严格的机械呆板的节奏