"the ground was boggy under foot" "a marshy coastline" "miry roads" "wet mucky lowland" "muddy barnyard" "quaggy terrain" "the sloughy edge of the pond" "swampy bayous"
The mail carrier crosses miry roads. 邮递员穿过崎岖村路辗转送信。
They journeyed through rough and miry ways. 他们走的是坑坑洼洼,满是泥泞的路。
Herr Wang soll morgen zu mir kommen! 叫王先生明天到我这儿来。
Miri YuanJi group visit HuiGuan. 美里元极到访会馆.
"Ah, Miri, there's nothing to be afraid of. “啊,Miri,这没有什么好怕的。
K?nnen Sie mir bitte sagen, wie sp?t es ist? 请问,现在几点了?