Their ability to misspend easily rivals the public sector. 他们错误地使用资金已经危害到了公共领域。
And I get the feeling that he considers the great part of his own life misspend. 但是我有一种感觉,霍兰先生认为自己生命的很重要的一部分被用在了没有用处的事儿上。
Statistics show that the poorer a country is ,the worse corruption exists there .It is outrageous that corrupt officials in underdeveloped countries misspend or pocket the aid . 统计学显示国家越穷;腐败就越严重.;不发达国家的腐败官员浪费援助或将援助放入自己的口袋让人非常愤怒
9.Statistics show that the poorer a country is ,the worse corruption exists there .It is outrageous that corrupt officials in underdeveloped countries misspend or pocket the aid . 统计学显示国家越穷;腐败就越严重.;不发达国家的腐败官员浪费援助或将援助放入自己的口袋让人非常愤怒