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美['mɪkstr'eɪs]  英['mɪkstr'eɪs]
sp.  混血儿, 混血人种


  1. The vaccine protected Asians and people of mixed race almost as well. 疫苗可以保护亚洲人和混血儿,
  2. Mixed race marriages were forbidden by law. There were separate sections for blacks in shops, restaurants, hospitals, buses and trains. 法律明文规定禁止黑人和白人通婚。在商店、餐厅、医院、公共汽车和火车上都有专为黑人设置的隔离区。
  3. National: Samoa for the vast majority of people are Polynesian species, there are a few other South Pacific island nations, Europeans and the ethnic and mixed race. 民族: 绝大多数为萨摩亚人,属波利尼西亚人种;还有少数南太平洋其他岛国人、欧洲人和华裔以及混血人种。
  4. The efficiency of Japanese tropical acclimatization mainly depended on tropical medicine, measurements of tropical hygiene, and discourses of mixed race. 而日本人之能展现热带风土驯化的成效,主要是凭藉热带医学、热带卫生措施,以及日本人种混合论。
  5. That horse is a cinch to win the next race. 那匹马在下一场比赛中肯定赢。
  6. He is on a lone fun run, nothing to do with the race. 他自己跑著玩的,和竞赛无关。