an employee who mixes and serves alcoholic drinks at a bar
So as you can see, you don't have to be a great mixologist to have fabulous drinks and a fabulous dinner party. 正如你们所见,你不必成为一名伟大的混酒师就能拥有漂亮的鸡尾酒和晚餐聚会。
This entry was posted on Friday, August 1st, 2008 at 10:47 am and is filed under Cocktail World Cup, Events, Mixologist. 广州市一座有魅力的都市,无论是它的夜色还是穿梭在夜色中形形色色的漂亮女孩。
She had served in a bar as mixologist for two years.Sammy was clear about that, to say the least, he was an experienced guy too. 在酒吧里调了两年酒,也算是小有经验的沙马明白这一点。
Cookware, Food Products, Food Stuff, Liquor and Beverages, Alcohol, Bakers Equipment and Supplies, Bartending, Bartend, Drinkware, Bartender, Bar, Restaurant, Mixologist, Jigger, Bar Spoon, Shaker 采购产品厨具,食物产品,食品,酒和饮料,酒精,面包师傅设备和产品,饮具,酒保,酒吧,餐馆,酒吧调酒员,计量杯