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美['moʊksə]  英['məʊksə]
n.  [宗](佛教、印度教、耆那教中的)解脱;从轮回中得到解脱


  1. (Hinduism) release from the cycle of rebirth


  1. What is the Moksa in the Buddhist Sense And How To Get it? 什么是佛教的解脱和如何得解脱
  2. The five parts of Dharmakaya are precepts, samadhi, prajna, moksa and the wisdom of moksa. 所谓五分法身即“戒、定、慧、解脱、解脱知见”也。
  3. When they are present, the Idriyas (the senses) remain engaged in their proper functions, and when they become latent then there is moksa. 当二者都正常运行时,意识处在正常的动能态,当心息混合为一,然后忘掉此一而归于虚无、混沌、自然,就得到解脱。
  4. How can it be possible to get knowledge, so long as the Prana is living and the mind has not died?No one else can get moksa except one who can make one's Prana and mind latent. 如果呼吸的风息和心的活动没有停止,怎么能获得智慧呢,只有息住、念住才能获得解脱。
  5. This very laya is what is called moksa, or, being a sectarian, you may not call it moksa; but when the mind becomes absorbed, a sort of ecstasy is experienced. 真正的融合就是解脱,或许有人认为那不是究竟解脱,但是当心灵与真气混合为一而消融后,将体验到极乐。
  6. The writer tell the impressive story that Buddha pursue the enlightened and moksa,and make the heart discipline methods that will do the favor for the modern people. 作者讲述了一个佛陀般追寻证悟和解脱的动人故事,并带出对现代都市人大有帮助而且可行的心灵修炼方法。