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美['mɒnəkeɪbl]  英['mɒnəkeɪbl]
n.  架空索道


  1. Win and torsion resistances are two key points in the structural analysis of large -span monocable stayed bridges. 抗风与抗扭是大跨度单索面斜拉桥结构分析中的两大关键问题。
  2. The computation of cars running on monocable circulating ropeway is a problem of dyn amic ana- lysis for geometrically nonlinear continuous systems. 单线循环式索道车斗运行过程的模拟计算;是个几何非线性连续系统的动力分析问题.
  3. A free-air chamber for measuring exposur e of low energy X ray was developed, and the computer system for measuring monoc hromatic synchrotron X ray was studied. 为同步辐射单色X光照射量测量研制出自由空气电离室。设计了现场照射量测量的计算机系统。
  4. The maintenance of the monocable tramway'x rollers 架空索道轮组的检修
  5. Hydraulic Tension System Analysis of Circulating Monocable Ropeway 循环式客运索道液压张紧系统分析
  6. Rapid Determination of Molybdenum in Tungsten by ICP-AES Monoc hromator with Scanning ICP-光电手动扫描装置快速测定钨中钼