They do have more traditional and mineralogical names (bixbite, morganite, and heliodor, respectively) but reportedly sell better under the emerald label. 其他颜色的变化绿柱石,如红色,粉红,和黄正利用他们的妹妹的名气和销售为红色翡翠,粉红色的翡翠,黄金和祖母绿。
Aquamarine, symbolizing the near perfect clarity and transparency of the ocean, is the big sister of the Beryl family whose relatives also include Bixbite, Goshenite, Emerald, Heliodor and Morganite. 海蓝宝石是大海晶莹剔透的象征。她是绿柱石家族中的大姐大,家族成员还包括红绿柱石、透绿柱石、金绿柱石和铯绿柱石。