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美['mʌtʃlɪ]  英['mʌtʃlɪ]
adv.  长久地;几乎地


  1. Please care for , care for our these person muchly! 这些年的支农惠农都支到哪里,惠到哪里了!
  2. But, I hope in fact in the heart neither very muchly. 但其实我心里也没太多希望。
  3. The Miao nationality, Tu Jia Zu lives in mountain area muchly , slope is bigger. 吊脚楼有很多好处,高悬地面既通风干燥,又能防毒蛇、野兽,楼板下还可放杂物。
  4. That PID is adjusted is that general closed cycle navar is so useful as to adjust method comparatively muchly. PID调节是一般闭环控制系统中用得较多的调节方法。
  5. Is childhood could it be said that all so stingy including enjoying muchly one day for me? 难道连给我多享受一天童年都那么吝啬吗?
  6. Come several to bring the yellow beautiful woman along , do not dare get rich muchly oh. 首页>>性感MM>>来几张带黄的美女;不敢多发哦.