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美[mjuː'lætə]  英[mjuː'lætə]
n.  穆拉托女人


  1. Six monkeys (macaca mulatta) and seven pigeons were used as Ss in the experiment. 六只恒河猴和七尽鸽子用作实验动物。
  2. If Asian macaques (Macaca mulatta) infection of this virus, a severe immunodeficiency, and even death. 非洲绿猴将艾滋病毒传染给了人,随之广为传播至全世界。
  3. OBJECTIVE:To study heroin-dependent macaca mulatta model through contrast to morphie-dependent Macaca mulatta. 目的:用吗啡依赖猴作对比,对海洛因依赖猴模型进行研究。
  4. A brownish monkey (Macaca mulatta) of India, used extensively in biological and medical research. 恒河猴,猕猴:印度的一种浅棕色猴(猕猴),广泛用于生物和医学研究
  5. Epidermal patterns of palms of 32 Taihang Macaca Mulatta (16 males and 16 females) were examined. 本文对32只太行猕猴的掌面花纹进行观察。
  6. Ye Zhizhang, Peng Yanzhang and Zhang Yaoping1985 The Anatomy of the Rhesus macaques( Macaca mulatta). Science Press, Beijing, China. 叶智彰、燕章、耀平1985猕猴解剖。科学出版社,北京。