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美  英
adj.  (德国动物学家)缪勒式(拟态)的;缪氏(拟态)的


  1. ER. PR. Vimentin, the results showed that the cancer arose from epithelium of Mullerian duct. 通过形态学、AB/PAS组化染色及EMA、CEA、PR、ER、Vimentin免疫酶标检测,结果证明该癌起自苗勒管上皮,为宫颈腺癌的一种特殊类型。
  2. We present a 18-year-old young lady with primary amenorrhea due to mullerian agenesis. 本篇探讨一位十八岁女性,诊断为苗勒氏管不发育之原发性无月经症。
  3. We report a case of mullerian duct remnant leiomyoma associated with vaginal agenesis. 本文病例为一阴道发育不良,在苗勒氏管遗迹上长出肌瘤的病例报告。
  4. HOX genes are involved in the development of the Mullerian system and then continue to be expressed in adult uterus. 在哺乳类HOX基因家族共39个基因,分A、B、C、D四簇位于染色体7,17,12,2的3’端到5’端,分别表达于胚胎的头部到尾部相对应的特定区域。
  5. Mullerian agenesis is the second most common cause of primary amenorrhea after gonadal dysgenesis. 摘要在原发性无月经症当中,苗勒氏管不发育是仅次于性腺发育异常的第二常见原因。
  6. Leiomyoma are very common in the normal uterus;however, they are rather rare in mullerian duct remnant. 摘要正常子宫肌肉发生肌瘤是很常见的,然后,在苗勒氏管遗迹长出肌瘤非常罕见。