Are examples of formatting of multilevel numbers. 是格式化多层次编号的例子。
Some multilevel marketing plans are legitimate. 有一些多层次直销是合法的。
Gets the number of texture levels in a multilevel texture. 获取多级纹理中的纹理级数。
Continue to define each level that you want to use in your multilevel list. 继续定义要在多级列表中使用的每个级别。
Most of current multilevel secure systems adopted Bell LaPadula(BLP) Model. 现有的多级安全系统一般采用BellLaPadula(BLP)模型,但是BLP模型的"向下读,向上写"的访问规则严重影响了系统的可用性、灵活性,破坏了数据完整性。
Experiment Study of Multilevel Data Storage Based on Photochromism[J]. 引用该论文 胡华;齐国生;徐端颐.