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美['mʌltɪˌsensəriː]  英[mʌltɪ'sensərɪ]
adj.  多种感觉(并用)的


  1. Involve multisensory approaches. 调动多种感觉手段。
  2. Speaking of Art as Embodied Imagination: A Multisensory Approach to Understanding Aesthetic Experience. 话说艺术被作为实现的赋予想像力的形体:对瞭解审美经验的一种多重感觉的方法。
  3. The second, “multisensory”, method used touch as well as vision for the perception of the visual stimuli. 第二种,“多感官法”,不但使用视觉,还使用触觉来感知视觉刺激。
  4. A layered multisensory integration gripper is designed for internet-based teleoperation. 摘要以网络遥操作为应用背景,设计了一种分层的多传感器集成手爪。
  5. Researchers say years of multisensory training through learning music may improve these communication skills in the brain and foster better literacy. 研究者认为通过学习音乐进行几年多感官的训练,能提高交际能力和开发智力。
  6. The stereo vision system of multisensory gripper provides a stereo image of the gripper and brings the gripper to the desired grasping pose. 多传感器手爪中的双目立体视觉系统可以对目标物体进行识别和定位,引导机器人进行抓取作业。